In the fall, the leaves
Begin their fight.
You can tell there
Is something resisting,
It’s in the changing air.
In the fall, the leaves
Begin to charge.
You can tell there
Is something burning,
All bright flash and flare.
In the fall, the leaves
Begin to cling.
You can tell there
Is something begging
To be seen in their fall.
In the fall, the leaves
Begin their funeral.
You can tell there
Is something moving
In how they say their prayer.
But the last leaf sings so loud
And as he falls down to the ground
He joins the rest of fall, resting, oh so proud.
August 22/2011
Hello and welcome to my humble abode, my writer's workshop. Here you will find a fair deal of poetry, do not be alarmed. I will try not to bore you, for here is a collection of my favorite poems, here are my thoughts and fantasies, born from conversations and impressions, dreams and sometimes just the simple things. I enjoy writing these poems as much as I see that you are interested in reading them. So thank you so much for stopping by and enjoy. -Dan L. Biggin
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling.
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven,
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.