The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling.
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven,
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.


Tuesday, 13 June 2017

On a Cloudy Day

To describe a cloudy day;
there’s no more magnificent a display
to observe the evaporial ballet
in our human condition (than say),
on a cloudy day

There’s no better received rendition
to imagine our vaporous visions
than on a cloudy day
to paint our impressions
on that billowing mountainous canvas
a smoky kaleidoscope only thus
Comes on a cloudy day

A simple show on a cloudy day
of abstract’s airflows
retracts and goes
clustered ideas
subjective applied meaning
nobody knows

A cloudy day’s forced feeling
manipulated moods
under a foggy veil broods
sunshine hides behind, dead,
the rested head put to bed,
wake of wind and water,
wrestling pictures
from imagination’s stead

Fog and clouded vision,
myth lies in the skies
Heavens touchdown
Celestials celebration
misty mysteries
floating in the trees

Contemplating curious cumulus conceptions,
meditating misleading meteorologists’ madness,
a shared address, a thought experiment at best.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

The Beauty in Catastrophe

There's too much world to see
A vast collage of deserts, plains,
 forests, mountains, and sea
A gallery cannot hang a tsunami
 or a hurricane quite properly
Nor does National Geographic adequately
Capture the roar and fear soaking
 feeling of a lion's natural royalty
The world is too much to see
A shower of volcanic love is not
 an experience for you or me
A fault line dance shakes
the mood with rock too precariously
Never can we truly be
 as deep as the depths of the sea
There's too much pressure to see
 the beauty in catastrophe.