The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling.
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven,
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.


Thursday, 2 June 2011

Reaching From the Past: Poetry Collection

History Pages

Kings and Priest we have but none;
A godless thought begot.
What then should I preach dear son.
Of mobs and consequences long forgot?

To show you fear in a handful of pages,
Would I not have looked past the looking glass?
Of things fabled in Cain and Abel's ages.
And jumped down a depression in the grass?

A web my words will spin around me
And force a dance to the devils beat.
Learn to tango romantically on the silky strands
And lines. Would careful footing place us in heaven's retreat?

I propose, dear son, the burning question.
Will you believe in this impression?


Man and the Flower of the Universe.

He stood there in quiet stature
Looking upon flowery sod.
He must tear the mask off nature,
To look upon the face of God.

Pulling up handfuls of roots and petals,
Proclaiming, Oh God! Where are thee?
His soul must find a place to settle,
And lay among flowers eternally.

No need to uproot the leaves of history.
Flowers have grown and died before
In the Big Bang, His face he’ll see.
He questions God’s nature no more,

For he looks upon his world now
And asks not, how was this created, how?

Feb 11/11

Thoughts on the Universe

Have we not pondered the Universe
And found to disturb it to be perverse?

Has Time and Tenderness not
Written lines across my face?
And their pen will scribble
until bone is exposed, in frantic pace.

Is it not our curse to hold the light
With steady hand against the dark?

To put question to our religious creation
And reason out our scientific nation?


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